Wednesday, February 27, 2008

DFL to fire Molnau soon?

From the Star Tribune: DFL may fire Molnau Thursday, Senate leaders say

Looking forward to it. Hopefully she can be replaced with someone who can run this important agency.


Ed Kohler said...

It seems like Pawlenty has wanted to keep Molnau around since that keeps the DFL focused on her rather than solely on him.

Derek said...

I think that's right on.

Slick Pawlenty has played the aftermath of the 35W collapse near perfectly. It's the George W. Bush method: Reward people for their loyalty and then they can pay you back by being the fall guy. Carol Molnau is just like FEMA's Michael "What Stranded People?" Brown.

Though, like Brown, eventually enough pressure builds that these people do end up being pushed out one way or another.