Thursday, May 8, 2008

You know we need new people in charge when...

You know we need new people in charge of our school systems when something like this happens:

What is this, medieval Europe?

Of course this happened in Florida. Maybe we should consider whether we want to keep Florida part of the United States. Perhaps we could give it back to Spain? Or better yet, it can be part of a new arrangement to Cuba: Have free elections and we'll give you the state of Florida!

Thanks to Majikthise for pointing me to this story.


Anonymous said...

Another thought on the Cuba/Florida arrangement: Travel Visas for snowbirds when they flock north in the summer. Could generate some revenue?

Derek said...

Excellent idea! Let's put some tariffs on our consumer goods too. Just think if the revenue from fees associated with bringing pets across the international border twice a year as the snowbirds bring their cats and dogs and whatnot with them.