Thursday, May 15, 2008

Ventura says Bush "looks pretty gay"

Jesse Ventura was on the radio today for an interview with MPR's Gary Eichten. If you have some time, take a listen to it. Ventura is hilarious. He talks about not having problems with "brown people." He talks physics with his "questions" on how the World Trade buildings really fell. He suggests that he could single-handedly turn the presidential upside down, if only he had ballot access. And Jesse gives his own explanation of global warming that he observed at the U.S.-Mexico border.

But this, 30 minutes into the interview, takes the cake...

"And I'll tell you this Gary. You know, for our current president for being such a tough guy from Texas and anti-gay like he is and all that. What looks more gay that when he comes out of a meeting with the Saudis holding hands with the guy with robes on. To me that looks pretty gay."

Gary Eichten has done interviews with Ventura for a decade now and is fairly accustomed to it. But even he was thrown off by this, asking Ventura if that was a "cheap shot." Ventura first responds that he didn't think so and latter points out he was being "tongue in cheek."

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