Thursday, April 17, 2008

Smurfin' party

Apparently some southern California types are holding a big, invite-only, VIP, Smurf-themed party. It is part of the celebration in conjunction to the 50th anniversary of the Smurfs.

One of the event sponsors is Hpnotiq, a Smurf-colored liquor. Hpnotiq is a French-made cognac-vodka-fruit juice concoction. Apparently it's been really trendy among Gen X and Gen Y kids, as well as Hollywood types. I guess I'm a little out of the loop. I'm not a Hollywood type, but I am on the Gen X-Gen Y dividing line.

Since Smurfs like all things smurfy, I would expect Smurfs to drink Smurf-colored liquor. Do you think Smurfs are happy or angry drunks?

1 comment:

Dan said...

Angry... there's only one girl smurf to go around. ;)

BTW... I highly recommend Hpnotiq, very tasty stuff!