Sunday, April 6, 2008

New blog on Minneapolis-St. Paul

I've started a new, separate blog about the Twin Cities. Ooops, sorry about that. It's not the Twin Cities, it's Minneapolis-St. Paul. The blog is called Minneapolis versus St. Paul.

The cities formerly called twins have had a longstanding rivalry. The rivalry is often friendly and sometimes ridiculous. Like the time where the two cities adopted different daylight saving calendars and general confusion over what time it actually was ensued for a couple of weeks.

Minnesotans know that the two cities have their differences. Minneapolis and St. Paul have their own separate character and history. What this means is you'll have some strong opinions about the alleged superiority of one over the other.

An effort is now underway to scientifically evaluate and measure the ways one city is better than the other. Over time, we will be able to determine once and for all which city is the best.

Suggestions for comparisons are welcome.

1 comment:

Dan said...

I'd be interested to see how each of the twins do in water quality... and where that water comes from. :)