Well, maybe I haven't decided yet? Did you ever consider that?

- Chuck Baldwin, Cons - The Constitution Party are kind of like libertarians, except that they are hell-bent to ban abortion and aren't so thrilled with the separation between church and state.
- Bob Barr, Lib - Got to hand it to Bob Barr. He's his own person.
- Roger Calero, SWP - I checked out his campaign website, which is hosted by the socialist newspaper he edits, The Militant, which might be a violation of federal campaign and tax law.
- John McCain, R-While I wouldn't have voted for McCain in 2000, I had respect for him. I no longer hold any respect for him.
- Cynthia McKinney, Grn - I generally don't vote for people who assault police officers. Conspiracy theorists turn me off too.
- Ralph Nader, Indep - Nader probably has the biggest ego in this race; and keep in mind that he's competing for that title with Obama, McCain, Barr, AND McKinney.
- Barack Obama, D - He's a centrist. He's less liberal than John Kerry. But he's a pragmatic and principled centrist. He actually has some plans to deal with our most pressing problems. Plus, I'm more confident that he'll try a couple things first before starting a war.
Charles Aldrich, Lib - I once tabled at the Minnesota Libertarian Party convention. It was creepy. Dean Barkley, I - Barkley is a principled centrist. He has mostly well thought-out policy positions and a couple of screwy ones that will go nowhere so who cares. A reasonable choice. Norm Coleman, R* - Coleman is hands-down the most slimy politician in Minnesota, possibly the Midwest. Seriously, he is a do-and-say-anything-to-get-elected guy. Coleman spent 4 years kissing Bush's ass and the last two running away from him. On the eve of the 2006 election all of a sudden he thought that there were problems with the Republican agenda in Washington and the way the war in Iraq was going. Norm must go. Al Franken, D - I liked Al Franken a lot in his previous careers. His play-it-safe, tone-deaf campaign has been underwhelming. But he understands public policy and would vote mostly the right way (party line). James Niemackl, Cons - According to the Star Tribune, he is a "member of the Knights of Columbus and Fraternal Order of Police." Enough said.
Seat 3
Paul H. Anderson * - A respected incumbent associate justice. He was "found qualified" by the Minnesota Women Lawyers. Tim Tingelstad - Has fought to politicize judicial races. Told the Star Tribune: "I believe that justice is served when judges fear God and love the people." Unsurprisingly the religious right wants him elected really bad. He was not found qualified by the Minnesota Women Lawyers.
Seat 4
Lorie Skjerven Gidea * - Gidea is a recent appointee and seen as a Tim Pawlenty lackey with little prior judicial experience. Although the Minnesota Women Lawyers found her to be qualified. Deborah Hedlund - Hedlund has also been found qualified by the Minnesota Women Lawyers. I hear that she's kind of crazy in the courtroom. Her campaign YouTube videos are uninspiring.
Seat 1
Edward Toussaint *- Only one in the race!
Thomas J. Kalitowski *- Only one in the race!
Roger M. Klaphake *- Only one in the race!
Harriet Lansing *- Only one in the race!
Kevin G. Ross *- Only one in the race!
Dan Griffith - Griffith is running on a platform that judges should be elected, not appointed. He was not found qualified by the Minnesota Women Lawyers. Terri J. Stoneburner * - The incumbent has been endorsed by the Academy of Certified Trial Lawyers and found qualified by the Minnesota Women Lawyers.
Constitutional amendment: Increase state sales tax by 0.375% to pay for environmental and cultural programs.
District 5
Barb Davis White, R Keith Ellison, D*- Remember two years ago the contention in the congressional race here? People were freaking out that a "radical," black Muslim would go to Congress. The world didn't fall apart and all those local DFLers spitting venom two years ago are now oddly quiet. Bill McGaughey, I
District 62A
Jim Davnie, D*- Davnie has spent his time in St. Paul working for education reform and funding, addressing the foreclosure crisis, and defending personal equality, among many other things. Dave Shegstad, R- The local crank on Minnehaha Avenue. Shegstads the one who three years before anyone heard of Sarah Palin told us in his write-in City Council run that the "real people" supported him even though evidently the real voters didn't.
Seat 9
Philip D. Bush * - Endorsed by Republicans, Democrats, and even a union. Eugene Link - I can't find anything on the web about the guy. Honestly, why waste voters' time running if you can't put up a simple website or answer the Star Tribune questionnaire?
David L. Piper - Piper has gotten the endorsements of numerous prominent Democrats and Republicans, as well as local law enforcement and judicial officials. He was found qualified by the Minnesota Women Lawyers. Umm, and e has a very lawyerly name. Jane Ranum - Ranum has gotten the endorsements of numerous prominent Democrats and Republicans, as well as local law enforcement and judicial officials. She was found qualified by the Minnesota Women Lawyers. Ranum is a former excellent state senator. It'd be nice to have some more qualified women in the judiciary.
Thomas F. Haeg - Haeg has gotten the endorsements of numerous prominent Democrats and Republicans, but mostly the wrong ones. He was found qualified by the Minnesota Women Lawyers. James T. Swenson * - Swenson has gotten the endorsements of numerous prominent Democrats and Republicans, but mostly the wrong ones. He was found qualified by the Minnesota Women Lawyers. Perhaps go with the incumbent, even though he's endorsed by Rich Stanek?
Seat 1
Kim N. Boyce * - Only choice. Yay!
Richard A. Klatte - His most important issue is: "Global Warming. Making big oil companies pay for cleaning the air, water, and soil they've destroyed." Good luck taking down Big Oil on the Hennepin County Soil and Water Board! Ben Torell - "Balancing the Preservation of our Natural Resources while endorsing responsible enjoyment of the outdoors." He's an ATV enthusiast. James Wisker - Has a "Bachelor of Science in Ecology, Evolution and Behavior and am currently employed as the Program Manager for the Regulatory Department at Minnehaha Creek Watershed District." Hey, maybe we want someone actually qualified for this position! Rahn V. Workcuff - "I strongly agree that a marriage should be only between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of same sex marriages. I strongly agree that all MN residence should have affordable health insurance. even if it means new or added cost to businesses. I strongly agree that we dont (sic) need anymore increase in taxes, we are all ready being taxed to death." He's more ambitious than the Klatte taking on Big Oil!
Jeffrey A. Beck - Says good things about utilizing ecological principles, but can't write in complete sentences or use punctuation in his position statement. Karl Hanson - Wants to protect private property rights. I'm torn.
Operating levy: $585 per pupil increase
The state and federal governments aren't doing their job funding education, so this is the way we have to do it. Improving the schools has a direct impact on housing values, so it's in everyone's best interest to approve the levy.
Referendum: Expand school board and elect some members by district
This measure is thanks to legislation forwarded by Rep. Jim Davnie and supported by the entire Minneapolis legislative delegation. The School Board had an opportunity to put it into effect and move forward, but instead the incumbents chose to fight it by putting it on the ballot and delaying implementation two more years. The current school board, while greatly improved from 4 years ago, is not accountable. Voters don't know who to hold accountable for our failing schools right now. When I wrote each member of the school board about this proposal, only two even responded back to me. That solidified my belief that the current structure doesn't encourage accountability when you have 7 at-large representatives from the entire city.
School Board Member - 3 seats
Vote for 3
Carla Bates - Endorsed by the DFL and SEIU. What else do you need? Jill Davis - Endorsed by the DFL, the AFL-CIO, SEIU and the teacher's union. What else do you need? Sharon Henry-Blythe * - Has been an incumbent too long and part of the problem. Lydia Lee * - Lee is running for her second term and has done a good job. A quality board member despite her opposition to the school board reform plan. Endorsed by the DFL, SEIU and the teacher's union. What else do you need? Doug Mann - Local crank that got kicked out of the local NAACP for being disruptive. At least he has a website. Kari Reed - She homeschools her five children. She opposes the current levy proposal because the schools evidently don't need more money, but "creative solutions" like homeschooling and charter schools. I think we know where her priorities lie. She'd be a nightmare on the Board.
Check out the article in the St. Paul Pioneer Press on October 21about Supreme Court candidate Deborah Hedlund.
1. In my opinion, Hedlund is a BIGOT. She replies to an e-mail that is titled "Can a Muslim be a Good American?" which lists ten reasons why the answer is "no" by writing back "Matt, we speak the same language."
2. In my opinion, Hedlund is an IDIOT. She hit "reply all" when she sent her message of hate.
3. In my opinion, Hedlund is a LIAR. She told reporters that she had not read the bigoted e-mail or its subject line when she sent it.
Minnesotans should not vote for a judicial candidate who is a bigot, an idiot, and a liar. Dump Hedlund!
Wow, that's disturbing. It makes it clear in my mind. Original Pioneer Press article here.
The following statements are all drawn directly from the Minneapolis Star Tribune or the Saint Paul Pioneer Press and can be verified in their archives.
Minnesota Supreme Court candidate Deborah Hedlund is held in contempt in the Minneapolis Courthouse where she is a trial judge.
Who holds Deborah Hedlund in contempt?
THE OTHER JUDGES: The Star Tribune reported on January 12, 1997 that around the judge's chambers in the Hennepin County Court House, Hedlund is "known behind her back as Judge Ding Dong."
THE LAWYERS IN HENNEPIN COUNTY: The Hennepin County Bar Association polled its members on the legal skills and courtroom managment of the county's trial judges in 1994 and 2000. Hedlund was the only judge who finished in the bottom three in the two surveys. The Star Tribune reported on April 19, 1994 that Hedlund was at or near the bottom in "civil and legal expertise," "judicial demeanor," and "case management skills." On the same day, the Pioneer Press reported that Hedlund's rating as a judge was "below the level deemed `average' in the scoring system." On June 6, 2000, the Star Tribune reported that Hedlund ranked at or near the bottom in "legal expertise on civil and criminal matters," case management skills," "judicial demeanor," "fairness," and "lack of bias."
LAWYERS IN HER OWN COURTROOM: One of the most respected and reserved prosecutors in Minneapolis is Robert Streitz. In one case before Hedlund, it had been worked out that the identity of a juvenile witness would be protected. The Star Tribune reported on May 29, 1993 that Hedlund sat idly by while the defense council named the mother of the shielded juvenile witness. Goaded by Hedlund's potentially fatal inaction, Streitz exclaimed, "Your Honor, may we approach the bench? Jesus Christ!"
HER OWN DIVORCE LAWYERS: The Star Tribune reported on November 23, 1999 that Hedlund had been sued by one of her attorneys in her most recent divorce for $88, 127 and had a lien placed against her homes by another of her divorce lawyers for $45,512. In her latest divorce, her attorneys had worked to get her living expenses of $16,000 per month and her share of disputed diamonds and artwork, a $1.5 million lake home in Wayzata, and a $400,000 condo across Lake Minnetonka in Excelsior.
REPORTERS IN HER COURTROOM: The Star Tribune reported on April 14, 1993 that Hedlund ejected a reporter from the courtroom during preliminary phases of a controversial murder trial. "She also warned other reporters present not to pry into the upcoming case, at the risk of being removed themselves." It is easy to see why she would not want reporters prying into her low-rated "legal expertise on civil and criminal matters," case management skills," "judicial demeanor," "fairness," and "lack of bias."
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