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Box cutter was for work, but to school, it's a weapon
A Blaine High School student was suspended for having the knife in his car, violating a weapons policy.
By ABBY SIMONS, Star Tribune
Last update: September 18, 2008 - 9:57 AM
A Blaine teenager has been suspended from school for 10 days and faces possible expulsion Monday after a box cutter was spotted in his car in the high school parking lot. Administrators invoked the school's zero-tolerance weapons policy, which allows little disciplinary leeway.
It's so easy to just have so-called "zero tolerance policies." When parents and school boards force this on to school administrators, this is what you get. We now live in an age where school administrators understand the seriousness of school violence. Why don't we trust them to make rational distinctions between real threats and stupid incidents like this one?
UPDATE BELOW (with new SNL clip)
UPDATE: So while they didn't mention Frosted Flakes or have him smoking a cigarette, SNL did have a great skit with the message that "you too can have a 12,000 calorie a day diet:"
"Everyone who wants to can gave a child. One child, two at most. A woman has her motherchild. A man has his fatherchild."
And also,
"Everybody can have a child. Some can't or won't or don't have children and some children die young, and so most of those who want two children can have two children."
The ship can be seen to represent the finite Earth. Now, I would not advocate that, like this science fiction society, we need "anthrogeneticists" with the authority to give us permission when and with whom to have children and how many. But wouldn't it be better to create a culture where the small family is a near universal norm--to an even greater degree than may currently be the case?
I'm told there are joys of having big families with multiple siblings. I bet that's true. But I bet there were also joys of shooting massive numbers of American bison in the Great Plains in the 1870s. We just can't afford to let people do that anymore.
If you are a parent of say five children reading this, you might be feeling a bit defensive. "I'm not selfish. I'm not causing the problem. There are bigger problems than whether I have a few more children than the median American." Again, I agree. I'm not trying to thumb my nose at you. I certainly have no moral high ground. While I only have two children, there are lots of ways I am consuming my grossly disproportionate share of the Earth's resources.
It would be unfair to judge people today for having too many children when there is no societal consensus on the subject. As Americans, we really haven't addressed the issue of overpopulation as it pertains to our own birthrate and the personal choices involved. I'm just saying that we do need to have that conversation and perhaps going forward we need to say goodbye to families with more than three kids (excluding adoptions of course).
So I'm not telling you that you're out of line if you have five kids. Yet. But I'm hearby putting you on notice. Going forward, once you get to the 2 or 3 kids mark, it's time to have the tubes tied or cut.
“They didn’t seriously consider her until four or five days from the time she was picked, before she was asked, maybe the Thursday or Friday before,” said a Republican close to the campaign. “This was really kind of rushed at the end, because John didn’t get what he wanted. He wanted to do Joe or Ridge.”
Please check out Dr K's post Searching Myself for Praise of Sarah Palin.
Dr K had taken me up on my offer to make a wager on who Barack Obama would pick as his running mate. Biden was one of my three, so Dr K lost. The loser had the challenge of having to pen a post praising McCain's pick. Of course at that time, we were thinking it'd be someone like Pawlenty, Romney, or Crist--slightly easier targets of praise. Little did we know! But Dr K did what he could.
There's been some discussion on whether the recent news about Palin's 17 year old daughter will have a negative impact on the electorate and whether it is "fair game." Even though I was among some of the voices that said Palin's own family choices are relevant to her seeking the office of the vice president, I got to say that--duh!--her daughter is NOT fair game.
This is a young person who has not chosen to put herself in the public eye. It is an unfair and unhelpful standard to hold a politician accountable for the mistakes of their children--particularly for such a common mistake. My response to this news: whatever!
But will socially conservative voters respond to this? Are you kidding? These people didn't turn away from Bush-Cheney even though Cheney has a gay daughter as John Kerry inartfully reminded us. If that didn't change their vote, then the 2008 running mate's 17 year old daughter carrying a pregnany to term won't matter much. Except maybe to Alan Keyes.