Friday, December 16, 2011

Who will I be in a year?


So I took a sabbatical from Open Salon. Thirteen months. This was back to back with a previous multi-month sabbatical. So it's been awhile. A lot of familiar names still abound these parts, but the place has sure changed in that time. Not for the better. Not for the worse. Just different.

It caused me to reflect on how I have changed in this time. A few changes in the last year or so.
First off, my overworked wife found out she was gluten intollerant. I'm a decent cook, but have always sworn that I DO NOT BAKE. But with gluten free options limited, I have become a baker out of necessity. Now I love it! Besides watching the Packers destroy another team, baking is my favorite thing about each weekend. I wake up Saturday morning thinking about what I'm going to bake today. Who is this guy?

I've also become a runner. Not a crazy long distance freak. But I've done a bunch of 5Ks and a couple 10Ks.  I used to make fun of runners. "What's the point? Isn't that incredibly boring?" But now I love to run. I got a treadmill when it's cold and when it's OK, I head out the door and run along theMississippi River gorge in Minneapolis. It's fantastic. Who is this guy?

I've always rolled my eyes in judgement at any non-sedan vehicle. But, in the last year I've been expressing mounting disappointment that our last car purchase was NOT a minivan.  "A minivan would be SO, SO useful!" I tell the horrified wife. "We should have gotten a minivan. Or next car should be a minivan."  Who is this guy?

Last May, our tiny, sweet cat, Maggie, passed away. She was old and had been with us since before children. We miss her very much. I was a cat person and had to twist the wife's arm to get one when we moved back to Minnesota. She leveraged it by making me agreeing to get a dog a few years later. 

Now, 7 months in a cat-free home, the three ladies of the house are begging for a new cat, and I'm the holdout, responding that "Aren't dogs a better pet choice than a cat? We don't need a cat." Who is this guy?

I've always been a progressive/leftist/socialist/independent/Democrat type.  I've generally held Republicans with little esteem. But...

Good to see ya around these parts again Turtle.
You are still the same person you was one year ago.
Plus one year.
Glad to see ya again.
Derek, great to read about what has been happening in your life while you were away from here and very sorry to read about your long time cat, Maggie, passing on. As another person who loves cats I certainly can appreciate the sadness.
Hi Turtle, Dee here from New Zealand, we have a wonderful book here by Alison and Simon Holst, Mother and son, its a bread book we swear by and has lots of gluten-free options, your poor wife !!! Losing a dearly beloved pet is a killer, but somehow we do shift our focus and remember all the fun times we had with our pets, we have been through it several times and No it doesn't get easier, but Yes you do get stronger, keep up the great work.
Oh, please don't become a Republican. If you must change political affiliation, go libertarian.
Stathi Stathi

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