Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Noise noise noise!

I like living in the city, but one of the downsides is the noise. The first night in our current house we heard drunk people arguing at 3:00 AM in our front yard. There are cars, motorcycles, annoying motorized scooters. Police sirens. Firetrucks. Trains. We hear construction sounds frequently and garbage trucks. And loud stoner parties. Mariachi music blasted from a neighboring garage all day. And airplanes!

I find myself extremely frustrated when one of these sounds, particularly a semi truck or an ice cream truck wakes up my one year old prematurely from a nap. Her room is at the back of the house and the windows are closed. We have what we call the "sound machine" that buffers outside intrusions with the constant melody of waves on a beach. Still, not enough.

When I went to Wisconsin this month I was struck at how quiet real quiet can be. It was initially unnerving, but then was darn relaxing.

It could be worse. I could live in New York. Or Cairo or Mexico City or Bombay, etc, etc.

Here's a short video on the noise of New York City from

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