Friday, November 14, 2008

How to start class warfare

We live in a capitalist country, where all aspire to be rich. In political campaigns, the charge of inciting class warfare is effective because most Americans, regardless of their class, don't want to go down that road.

But if real class warfare is to occur, this is how:

Regents discuss beer sales at new stadium

Minnesota Public Radio - November 14, 2008

"University of Minnesota president Robert Bruininks is asking the Board of Regents to allow the school to sell beer and wine at its new TCF Bank football stadium.

"But drinks would only be available to fans in premium seats that range in price from $1,800 to $3,000 a season, or in private suites that cost up to $45,000 a year.

"Regent John Frobenius says he's concerned how the public will view the arrangement.

"'We're going to a new stadium, and the message is high-spending supporters have access to alcohol, medium-spending supporters do not,' said Frobenius. 'And that is a little gnawing at me that makes me a just a little uncomfortable with that.'" [emphasis mine]

Yes. Ya think people might have a problem with that?!? The people in the cheap seats don't even have the luxury of over-paying for watered down beer? But those in the corporate-sponsored boxes, they'll be able to get liquored up. And I'm sure it won't be with the cheap stuff.

The Board of Regents delayed taking action on the proposal for now; but they have to know this isn't a sustainable solution. People will be up in arms. The proposed alcohol divide is all in the name to keep the evil corrupting influence of alcohol out of the hands of the underage students who are forced to sit in the poor seats.

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