Sunday, December 9, 2007

"Cute" headlines

It's a long standing tradition for newspapers to be clever with their headlines. I often bristle when they go too far into groaner territory--a frequent occurrance.

The Twin Cities Star Tribune is guilty of this trend as any other. Sometimes, their headlines cross from the lame territory to the offensive. This happens when their tongue-in-cheek headline seems to make light of a horrible situation.

Today's example comes from the disturbing random murders in Colorado of young people at a Christian missionary training campus. One victim was a Minnesota native. So, the illustrious Star Tribune puts the headline of the top lead of its website as Victims didn't have a prayer of a chance.

It appears as I am writing this, that they have changed the headline to 2 Colorado shootings, same gunman? Maybe an editor thought better. We'll see what goes in the hard copy tonight. In any case, I think it's a little sickening that someone at the Star Tribune would publish that headline in the first place.

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