Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Quote of the Day: Rush

After reading Al Franken's Rush Limbaugh is a Big, Fat Idiot, I got my dose of the stupidity of what this blowhard says. What I find most distressing about Limbaugh is that it's so obvious he's not a true believer. He's in it for the money. He knows that this is something he's good at. I'd probably be less bothered if it was clear he actually thinks this stuff or had any sort of consistency.

Of course, what this ignores is the depressing fact that regardless of what he himself believes, millions of Americans listen to Rush every day. I try to not let that get me down.

One tries to ignore the crazy nonsense he spouts. But every once in a while he puts out a good one. Today, courtesy of Salon.com's War Room blog, is this doozy:

Rush Limbaugh declared Monday that Democrats are "unqualified to lead the nation" because they've been "proven wrong about the war in Iraq." "We cannot allow them off the hook on this," Limbaugh said. "We cannot allow history to be rewritten. "
Who needs the government for double-speak when guys like Limbaugh do it for free? I don't think Orwell even foresaw this.

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